Thursday, February 22, 2007

Um... eeew?

I don't usually like to criticize those that can do me great harm. However, when I first glanced at this photo on DListed, I thought it was Mike Tyson in drag. I always thought Serena Williams was sorta hot, in a buff-kick-your-ass-I-can-beat-anyone-at-tennis-and-still-steal-your-boyfriend kinda way. However, this is just not good. She needs some help. Seriously. Even Monkey glanced over while the image was on my screen and said, "Oh! Eew! Mommy!".. and ran away :) Also, while I'm at it, I've never understood that style of dress. It looks like a person with a 48DDD trying to squeeze herself into a 32A dress or something. It just looks like that cup design is supposed to cup something? Not just lay on top of mountains? Perhaps it's just me. I am no fashionista. It just looks odd. A baseball glove fits your hand, right? Doesn't just lay on top of your hand?

Also, to the girl AMY on American Idol who sang one of my favorite songs by Bonnie Raitt... 'I can't make you love me'. You stink. Seriously. For starters, you were WAY bad. But, you don't sing that song with a SMILE ON YOUR FACE?!?! Do you even know what that song is about? I can't even listen to it without crying, and you're up there smiling away like you're going to save the world. Twit. I will always hate you for even introducing such a SHIT version of that song into my mind. It will take me months of deprogramming to forget it! I'm so happy you were TOSSED tonight!

Enter the Oscars contest NOW! And, because Blu asked, the person that gets the most right answers wins all of the prizes.. not just the one by the category. Or whatever it was he thought :) Blu=wrong. Oh, and he wanted to touch my wiener today. I advised him I don't have one. Chal really needs to educate him :) Oh, and CONGRATULATIONS CHAL! On that new thing :) I'm excited for you!