I am removing the first part of this post, as it made no sense at all. Well, except to Chal :) Thanks Chal :) I am editing myself!! :)
The photo is the Monkey Baby 2003 when we first moved into our home. We were up late unpacking, and he got tired of waiting for us to go to bed :) Well, OK, I packed him in the box and had the movers bring him :)
I need a haircut. Anyone out there with scissors? I need about 4" taken off, but need layers. I also need to just go ahead and get it colored. I decided to leave it for a year, to see what it wanted to go with.. but it still doesn't know. I'm half brunette and half blonde, and that's just crap. And now grey is trying to ... well, successfully showing a presence. ..sigh..
I had some big leads today for some really large projects. Not that we're not already behind on the projects we have ..sigh... So I'm excited that I might close on them before he returns, and in doing so PROVING to him that I AM the bossman :) Ahahaha!
Well. Off to do some chores. I guess that's all that will make me calm :) Well, beating the kid might help. I'll try that first, it sounds easier. :)