This morning Monkey and I were cruising along to McD's for a McMuffin. Get over it, McD's haters. And he enlightened me :)
"Momma, did you know that sharks swim while they're sleeping?"
"Nhoo, really?"
"Do you know why?"
"Cuz their pillows are wet, and it makes them mad."
AAAAhhaha! I guess that would also account for all of those shark attacks! Just goes to show what a great pillow can do for your attitude!
Also, have you seen the new UNO spin commercial? It makes me nuts, as I can tune it out until the song gets to the part about how you might get 1 card... or you might get 8. And they hang on the 8 so long that it sounds like they're saying, "... or you might get aaaaaids!" And it really freaks me out. Seriously, I don't hear a thing until the 'you might get aids' part and I glance up. Then I mumble to myself again at what a completely stupid commercial it really is! And I'm amazed that some advertising person didn't catch that before sending it out?