Lastnight was yet another night of odd dreams, without medication :) I had a dream that all of my toilets were over-flowing. And I don't just mean up to the rim and about to runneth over.. but for some reason the toilet was off of the base and there was a huge hole in the ground. And I was freaking out, yelling for the Mr to come and helpppppp!!!! There was nothing else in the room, just the toilet.. off of the base. And I was frantically using a plunger to get it to all go back down into the hole.. assuming there is a hole down there.. I have no idea how plumbing works. And there was this big plastic lid which screwed into it.. but was just laying out on the floor. I finally managed to get it to go down and wanted to put the lid on, but just as I reached down...WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH! It exploded all over the room like freak'n Old Faithful! I was screaming, and running, and there was all of this dirty water flowing all over the place and spraying all over the walls and ceiling. And I tell you, I'm ill now. I can't touch a dirty dish without gloves, so this is going to send me into therapy.. and it was only a dream! But I'm proud of my dream self, however, because I just got back in there and started plunging away again. And there was about 2 feet of sewage in the room, and I wanted to hurl. However, no smells :) But, there were thingss.... nasty thinggsss... floatiesss... and other grossness. And my face itched, but I couldn't touch it because my hands were dirty. And then what? Monkey comes parading in with all of his Army men and floating boats and starts to declare a state of emergency... ugh.... And before I can explain, "No! don't put them into the nasty sewage.. get out!!".. it was done..they were floating and bobbing in the water swimming for dear plastic life. So I'm plunging... and plunging... and the sewage is going down, and surging up.. and just being a pain.. and looking gross. So I glance up out of the window, and there are my neighbors. It was a beautiful sunny day, and they're outside riding go-karts and enjoying a beautiful fresh summer breeze.. laughing. It was frustrating to the point that one neighbor had these beautiful French doors (you know, the double doors with all of the glass) and she pushed them open and glided out like she was in some sort of beautiful movie, the wind blowing in her hair. And then I looked down again.. SEWAGE! I have NO idea what this all means. I'm in a particularly lucky cycle right now, so it's not like I'm JEALOUS of others or feel like my life is a pile of sewage? Who knows. Oh well. I tell you what though, it's a beautiful feeling to wake up and realize you're not really drowning in crap :) Maybe that was my own personal message to myself? Quit being in such a bitchy mood, you have NO reason you ol' hag!
I did have a quick pause in the dream though, and reminded myself about this site. American Science & Surplus. I used to get their catalogs all the time, it was very fun to read the descriptions. And I would buy my husband silly little nerdy gifts. They have some really freaky overstock if you know anyone into these types of things. MrNV wants a weather balloon now, although I'm not sure why :) You can get some odd's and end's for kids, too. A huge box of miss-marked crayons for a cheap price, etc. But it really was odd that I thought of it in a dream, and kept telling myself to check it out when I woke up :) Ahhaha! I am such an idiot :)