I should be working, but I'm tired of working. This POS computer is making me crazy, so I feel like wasting time... so that when I'm done I can be pissed off that I just wasted time doing this fecking MeMe when I could have been working.. now I have to stay up late to finish the work I should have been doing. I will cuss myself out.. then eat chocolate. Man, I'm looking forward to THAT!!
This MeMe I stole from TenseTeacher, cuz she is forever stealing them from everyone else. No wonder she's tense.
RED1. Closest red thing to you? Monkey is laying on the floor next to my desk reading, his shirt is very red.
2. Have you ever cheated in a relationship? Define 'cheated'? :)
3. Last thing to make you angry? Oh shyte, Roscoe the fence jumping/barking dog. I think I'm going to have him stuffed for Thanksgiving because he is SERIOUSLY getting on my LAST nerve with running off and I'm going to have a stroke or something!! AND I MEAN IT!!
4. Are you a fan of romance? Sure? What woman isn't? Is that a rhetorical question?
5. Have you ever been in love? I refuse to answer that question, or MrNV will think I like him or something.
GREEN1. Closest green thing to you? My Mickey Mouse pen jar (mug) from Orlando, FL. Didn't go to Disney Land/World/Whatever, but we did a trade show there and it is my souvenir of joining the big boys :)
2. Do you care about the environment? No, really,I don't. Again, is that a rhetorical question? Why would I not care? Do I want my son to require a gas mask at 20? Absolutely not.
3. Are you jealous of anyone right now? Salma Hayek.. she's beautiful. I know, it's envy. Whatever.
4. Do you like being outdoors? I do enjoy it. In the 100+ summer heat? No. But I love being outside and watching the Monkey and his friends play or ride their bikes. Or spending time at the lake. I used to love to snow ski, but haven't for years. ..sigh..
5. Are you Irish? Nope, born in Scotland.. Mama is English and Pa is Swiss.
PURPLE1. Last purple thing you saw? The bruise on my leg.
2. Like being treated to expensive things? Not really, the guilt disturbs me. I'm just as content with simple things. Although I would like a Jaguar XKE.
3. Favorite type of chocolate? Cadbury Flake
4. Ever met anyone in royalty? I don't believe so.
5. Are you lonely? Never.
YELLOW1. Closest yellow thing to you? Duck on top of my monitor
2. Favorite holiday? It's hard to pick one, now that I have a child and spend more time with family. Christmas is fun, but can be excessive and full of stress. Halloween is a lot of fun, but usually cold and over so quickly. July 4th I guess would be #1, because we all have fun and we celebrate for a week at least :) Sorry neighbors!
3. Are you a coward? I guess I can be, to an extent. Depends on the situation. But if someone were to try to hurt my family, no.
4. Do you want children? I would have liked more than 1, it took us 10 years and too much heartache to have this one. But he's awesome, and there is NO sibling bickering which I am SO GRATEFUL FOR!!
5. What makes you feel warm and safe? MrNV. No matter what happens, I know he's going to take care of it and just gets things done. He takes care of me, and is a wonderful father ;)
BLUE1. Closest blue thing to you? Still the bruise on my leg :)
2. Are you good at calming people down? That's a tricky question. I guess I can be, but I can also be good at getting them riled up :) So it's a 50/50 thing.
3. Do you like the sea? Absolutely. But I fear the depths of it. I wouldn't really want to live on the ocean, I would love to live in Colorado. Probably Dillon :)
4. What was the last thing to make you cry? I don't know why, but that song 'Fix You' by Coldplay made me cry the other day. If I listen to it too much, it makes me think too much and that's a dangerous thing.
5. Can you sleep easily? Usually. My mattress has issues right now and can give me horrible back pain, but 3 ibuprofen and I'm snoring like a baby. But I don't always take it because I'm afraid I won't hear Monkey. It's complicated.
PINK1. Closest pink thing to you? Nope, no pink in the bruise :) Some papers on my desk. I guess my office is just lacking in color?
2. Do you like sweet things? They will be the death of me. You try being raised by a Swiss chef, and also having a chef for a brother. I don't mean Perkins cook, I mean certified executive chef. They're like McGuyver in my kitchen.. and will kill me.
3. Do you like punk music? Meh. Maybe a couple songs, but not so much. But I don't hate it.
4. What is your favorite flower? Hydrangea.
5. Does someone have a crush on you? No, but I think there are people that would like to crush me.
ORANGE1. Closest orange thing to you? The alien next to the duck on my monitor.
2. Do you like to burn things? No? Are you sayin' I'm a pyro? That's a question for MrNV.
3. Dress up for Halloween? Actually, I don't. No time. But I do wear my horns.
4. Do you prefer the single life or the security of a relationship? I enjoy the married life, but didn't spend a lot of time single. I lived with my father, then with MrNV. But, no regrets.
5. What would your superpower be? Traction powers, so that I can stop the fence-jumping dog and bring him back to the house without touching him. $##%&$^*
WHITE1. Closest white thing to you? The ugly ceiling fan.
2. How do you imagine your wedding? I DID imagine it as MrNV and I in the back of a taxi getting married at a drive-thru chapel in Vegas. And it was PLANNED! But his MOTHER had to go and throw a FIT and so we had to have a wedding so she could watch her baby boy get married. AGG. And I was a sequin covered fluffy marshmallow parading down the aisle in front of hundreds of people I hadn't seen for years. I hated it and I'm still angry! But it was a beautiful wedding and reception. It's amazing what you can do in 2 weeks when you have connections :)
3. Do you like to play in the snow? Absolutely. I want to go skiing. NOW!
4. Are you afraid of going to the doctor or dentist? Both bad, never good news.
5. Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder? I don't think so. What was the question?
BLACK1. Closest black thing to you? My purse.
2. Ever enjoy hurting people? Nope, not a pyro OR a psycho.
3. Are you sophisticated or silly? I guess silly.
4. Would you like to go to space? If that would be an affordable option in my lifetime, I would be first in line! Hell yeah!! I get excited just thinking about it!!! But a submarine ride? Never in a million years.
5. Do you have a lot of secrets? Not a lot, but a few.