Monday, March 13, 2006

It's not PMS. It's an opinion, assclown!

Why is it when men express an opinion.. they're talking. When women express an opinion.. we're suffering from PMS? Seriously? Can anyone explain it? Are men just so completely incapable of offering a response, that the only thing they can say is, "Oh, it's going to be a venomous day.. I can tell." Why???

After dropping my son off at school I usually listen to a local AM show to see what the buzz is. But, I can't stand the lady talk show host. She's so negative and hostile. Seriously. She can turn anything into a negative spin, so I don't listen for long. Today what were they complaining about? The weather coverage in our area yesterday. When we finally dragged ourselves out of bed yesterday at 9:30, there were already tornado watch boxes for our area. We had tornado sirens going off before noon! And through the entire day there were individual cells popping up all over. We were not out of the tornado watch box until 10:00pm. It was a crazy busy day. And the storms were moving at 60mph in some areas, which is incredibly fast for a storm. So the people were bitching on the show that our local news channel, and only 1 of them, had weather on ALL day. Which I was grateful for, and I'm sure many people in the surrounding rural areas that were getting their asses kicked were even more grateful for. But no, here were people calling in.. whining that it was overkill. "We don't need coverage of storms 60 miles away.." wah wah wah. I get so tired of idiots that live in their 2 miles of space and don't think beyond that. There are people on very rural farms all over the place, and the only stations they can get are from our town because we have the strongest signal. Even one guy called in and said he appreciated the news, as he lived 100 miles away and we were the only station he could pick up. His satellite was out.. because of the storms. Then another obviously stupid lady called in, "I got tired of the news so we watched a DVR. Can you believe they even cut into our DVR to tell us we were under a tornado warning? They were infringing on my right to do what I wanted to do!" Literally, that is exactly what she said because it is still ringing in my head. I want to find her and slap her. Infringing on her right? To die??? She said she could hear the sirens outside of her house when the warning came on. Are people really so desperate for something to be angry about that they have to complain when the state is trying to save their life? Do they understand how quickly a storm can develop and form a tornado? Especially the ones yesterday. And they did. 10 people died in Missouri yesterday because of tornados.

So, in telling my husband about this.. our current free-loader walked in. And I'm "being bitchy". Because HE could understand why the lady would be annoyed at the intrusion. Seriously. Why is he in my home again? And I'm being bitchy, it's alllllll about the PMS because I have thoughts and opinions. Current free-loader is not my father-in-law, it's another guy. The lady that owned the house he was living in up and decided to sell it 'now'. So, we told him he could stay here temporarily. But my patience is wearing thin. I'm not sure how long I can handle being in a house with 3 men and a 7 year old boy :)

I need chocolate. Perhaps it is PMS :) My husband drew the picture with pencils while in HS. It represents the way I'm feeling right now :)