Saturday, March 18, 2006
Annoying sister comment #3697
Crazy sister said .."Well, I have basically gone to lunch with Dad EVERY day because if I don't then he'll end up coming over to my house..." And yes, Dad pays. But then she follows up with a discussion on how she is going out on Saturday with my other sister and her friend. "I don't know what he (my brother) is doing on Saturday, but we're going out and I don't want him around. It's just the girls. And I need a break!". He has only been there, because he was helping her get her house prepared to sell it. That girl always needs a break.. from doing nothing. She doesn't work. Doesn't have kids. Is almost 40. Doesn't do anything constructive other than clean house.. but nobody is ever home to mess it up as her husband is out of town 5 days a week. And now that they're moving, he is already set up in the new town and has an apartment until they sell their house. So, her house is in 'show' condition for people to come and look at it.. she can't do anything there anyway.
I just get so angry at the whole "I need a break" comment. Seriously. If she actually did something, I wouldn't mind. Break all you want. Vacation away. But she sounds so stressed out and overworked all the time. God forbid she ever has to get a real job.
I just can't believe we're actually related. I think she's nuts :)