So today craptastic run-away dog .. ran away. Hence, run-away dog title. But, not just once.. 3 times. Usually we keep him tied up in the back when we have a lot of traffic, but MrNV and Lackey were cutting limbs and doing man stuff. So craptastic was in the house with me. He knocked over one child for escape #1, went out the patio door left open by the kids for escape #2, then pushed past another kid for escape #3. During one of these escapes, I believe #3, he decided to go up the street and tear up one of the neighbors cats. I wasn't really aware he was into that. I know he tried his teeth on poor Hasenfeffer, but I guess I never noticed him going after cats before. Of course this poor cat was outside, and had no claws. Smart. So.. there will be a nice vet bill we get to pay for.
Needless to say, I'm tired of giving him a chance and he will be going back to the shelter. I've spent a small fortune on electric fences, an indoor electric border for the front door and a remote control shocker for when I was BORED! I didn't use it for long, it didn't phase him. Other than pleasing my evil side when he wouldn't come.. while chasing him through the neighborhood, it really didn't serve a purpose. He's not a bad dog, just not my kind of dog. He doesn't like being here, and I'm tired of people getting hurt. Not to mention he chewed on the arm of another neighbor that tried to bring him home. Luckily he likes us :)
Buh-bye Roscoe. Sorry it didn't work out. I'm a bad person, I know. We'll take you back to the nice little doggy shelter where they cuddle you and find you a good home.. not those animal killer ones. Promise. And we'll be sure to suggest that your next owner have a 20' fence and no doors! When your previous owners returned you for being an escape artist, I should have paid attention. We live and learn. I want a dog that wants to be a part of the family, not one that wants to plot his escape. At least Tara will be happy you're gone.. she's such a mean ol' dog :) She won't have to share her pillows anymore :)