Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Silly catch-up

While organizing my image folders today, I came across silly things I forgot to mention or show.

I liked this photo of Monkey jumping into the pool.

I bought these neat thingies on clearance, and am trying to figure out what to do with them. They're actually napkin rings.. pfft. That is just so formal I can't even imagine. I want to remove them from the rings.. and then go from there. I was going to attach one to my hair clip, see how that goes.

Monkey being silly a few days after the drama with my brother. I should watch it. He might learn that being a cross-dresser makes mommy laugh.. and I might be starting something bad :)

And these are the pastries my sister brought by. The humidity made them look a bit wet. Freakin' Summer. But they were still great, as I battled the Monkey and the Mr for them :) The lemon ones are my favorites.