Wednesday, August 02, 2006


While taking my break today, I was browsing photos.. and came across this one. Can anyone guess to which celebrity THESE toes belong? Seriously. I'd wear closed toe shoes. I think those 2 are trying to escape! Sort of reminds me of the hermit crabs I used to play with as a child. They would slowly poke out of the shell... their little crusty legs reaching out so they could run away!

I'll post the full picture if anyone guesses it :) She is also wearing a blue dress.. with a stain on it! Do you think it was Monica's? But if nobody guesses, then I will never post it and you will all suffer :)

**** Update ****
You guys are hilarious. But amyblue got it right!! And if you want to see more, you can click here. You'll see a lot more... are you sure you're ready and can handle it??? :) I don't think I was fully prepared :) Be sure to look for the stain... eeeeeeeeeeew!