Friday, August 11, 2006

F**#$*cking F*&%)$&%ers!!

I am so pissed! I am SO tired of assholes making up their own driving rules, I swear I'm going to scream! OK, not usually, but there is ONE case where I get all hopping mad. We have a highway near our home, they created an on-ramp to the main road near our home. The on-ramp, turning North onto our main road, was really very wide. I emailed the city letting them know that it was an accident in the works. 95% of the people that took the exit, realized it was a 1 lane turn going left. As wonderful as it would be during rush hour to have 2 lanes turning left, and even though it's feasible, it was technically a 1 lane turn. However, there was always that 5% that completely ignored the other 40 cars lined up waiting to turn, and they would cruise right up to the front next to the 1st car. Fine. Some people are just assholes. They have to live with themselves. So when I contacted the state highway people, they sent out men with their paints and corrected the problem.. CLEARLY marking it as a ONE lane turn. My husband even teases me, "Hey, look! We're on Lorraine Lane!!" And since then I haven't had to watch to my right for those 5%. UNTIL TODAY. They must have let an asshole off work early. And what a bad day for him to be an asshole, because my van was filled with giant bags of packing peanuts, bubble wrap and other packing supplies. I couldn't see to my right. But he's DAMN lucky that I did peer around, since I was nervous because of all of the packaging materials.. and THERE HE WAS! I almost rammed him into the concrete walls of the bridge. But I am formally making this notice NOW, that the next asshole that cuts me off by creating his own turning lane, I am going to hit him so hard his great great grandkids' cars will feel it. And I'm not kidding. I'm old, and have a great driving record. My insurance guy can kiss my multi-car, house, health and life insurance ASS! Cuz it's time for me to set an example for those other 5%!