Sunday, July 30, 2006

What to do with a free hotel room??

Every once in a while we receive a free offer to stay in one of the local hotels.. which is affiliated with a casino. And so, why not? :) But instead of staying there and losing my last $3.75 which is the casino's plan, we just stay there and hang out with the kids. Monkey brought one of his neighborhood buddies, and while we were waiting for the rest of the crew.. they played "LET'S JUMP FROM ONE BED TO THE NEXT AND MAKE A LOT OF NOISE!!!"...

That's normal kids stuff, right? I'm sure I'll get a nasty email from the guests in the surrounding rooms on what a hanyat my son is.. but regardless, they had a great time. My friend from up North came down with her kids, and we all went to the pool. She and her hub went home, and so I had a room full of insane children. We ordered room service and paid way too much for on-demand movies.. but oh well. I'm completely irresponsible.

It was fun though, we were on the 'suite' level. You had to have a special key in the elevator to even get it to go to that floor. HOWEVER, we were in the ONLY normal room on that floor. I think it might have been the servants quarters, or possibly a renovated closet. And I'm sure those SUITE dwellers didn't much appreciate my hooligan children. The view was beautiful, though, and we did ask nicely for a beautiful view :)

Today... we rest :)