I'm bad when it comes to seeing a doctor. Last year I was sick for the longest time, and didn't go to the doctor until MrNV dragged me to the hospital. I was running a fever of 104 and it turned out I had pneumonia in my right lung. Pfft. Is that bad? So this year I decided I'd at least hit that little walk-in place at Walgreens. I'd been suffering from congestion long enough, and it's all allergies. And it's horrible, as I get older they get worse it seems. However, I do remember being in school every year with that horrible 'cold' which would make my eyes water constantly and my nose would be swollen. I guess when you're younger you just ignore it. But now that I'm an adult and have to be up and about every day and doing things ... I notice more that I don't feel well! So I got sick of being sick. I went to see the little Walgreens nurse-lady, and she gave me drugs. This was about 2 weeks ago? I had a 6-pack of Azithromycin.. and that rocked. But she also gave me Prednisone.. and I've never taken it before. I started with 6 pills on the very first day.. and then they would decrease over the next 7 days or so. OMIGOD! I am addicted! I have never felt so amazing EVER! I say FELT, because now that the prescription has ended.. my congestion and allergies are back in full bloom. And I'm pissed. I was wheezing all night lastnight, and wanted to cry. While taking the Prednisone, I slept like a baby. I could run up and down the stairs at home, and not even know I had done it! Now I am back to taking deep breaths just to make it! So.. I am now weighing being responsible or not being responsible? I ordered more Prednisone from Mexico.. because I can :) But in reading about it, I guess it's not healthy for me to take it long term. Although people do? I'm just angry. It even cleared up my skin! My skin tends to break out and I have a lotion prescription for it, it's for rosacia. But my skin has been perfect since I started taking it. And some days I don't even want to go outside if I feel my cheeks look to rash-y. Some dumbass always comments, because it tends to break out around my mole. "Have you had that checked? It could be skin cancer? You should really have it checked?".. and I want to crawl back into bed.
So. Anyway. I'm just confessing. I'm addicted to Prednisone. I have ordered more from Mexico and will probably self-medicate. Because I'm irresponsible, but enjoy not feeling the shitastic consequences of allergies. Does this make me a bad person? Oh, but I did also start taking a Fish Oil supplement at the same time, two of the 1200mg pills each day. That could actually be the reason my skin as improved, so I'm considering that as an option. Claratin-D is not helping much at all with the allergies. I take the 24 hour one, and by 6:00 tonight I'll be wheezing again.. but can't take another.