I just want to mention that we really love HEROES in this house :) It is seriously the only show we can ever remember to watch. We have fun watching the auditions to American Idol, because Monkey freaks out at all the weirdos. But they tend to lose me after the first few cuts.. and I just listen for updates on the news :) HOWEVER, HEROES is great! Monday night was the season finale, and it was a lot of fun. Our thoughts at the end:
Why didn't Hiro cut off Sylar's head when he was down? Seriously. When will people realize he isn't going to die? And when he crawled into the sewer, did you notice the cockroach on the sewer lid lookin' at you? Yeah, to tell you Sylar is like a cockroach.. and ya can't kill him!
Who is the super scary guy that the little girl hero-finder is afraid of? She's even more afraid of him than Sylar. New groovy character coming..
I'm thinking Nathan tossed Peter into the atmosphere just before he blew up, then caught him after? I'd-a thunk he would have blown to bits.. but what do I know. Can you re-generate after being blown to bits??
I'm glad the psycho split-personality girl finally made amends with her crazy side, and can now be a psycho bitch all on her own.
I'm very happy Hiro saved his friend, that was great. I'm curious to see what will come of him now visiting the Samurai warriors. Maybe it's time for him to learn his skillzzz :)
That's about all I can think of for now. But, it really is a fun fun show. So different than anything else. I don't know why people keep comparing it to LOST. I don't see any similarities.