OK, we still really enjoy the show. Even the kid likes watching it. But I have a few questions:
Why won't the guy that is a power soaker of some kind get a hair cut? That whole hair flipping in the face thing is truly bothering me. But I like his power. However, what if the cool people with the powers decide they don't like him leaching off of them and don't hang around him anymore.. then what? He won't have any powers... and will still have a bad haircut.
The hot blonde mom with the Sybil powers... is she evil? Because I keep thinking that perhaps the husband in hiding maybe isn't the evil one that killed the people he was convicted for killing? Maybe she did? Maybe he's hiding from her? And from the previews, it looks like he can walk through walls? And if you consider the ratio of people in this show that know each other and all have super powers, then wouldn't you assume that means there are millions more out there that have super powers? Maybe when Sybil is in crazy mode, she is not so maternal and so the husband is sneaking through her walls for THAT reason? And if 2 super powers have a baby... does baby have super powers? Or does that make a negative? The little boy seems very smart. What are the bets on his super powers?
And the guy that sneaks around taking memories, why? Why did they kidnap policeman/FBI guy? And if they took all or some of his memories, did he then forget that he could read minds? Or are his powers stronger now.. and that's why he freaked out at the convenience store? And why did his wife suddenly go from super-bitch to not super-bitch? I'm so confused.
And who is it that was cutting up people and pinning them to walls with silverware?? And where did the FBI agent girl from 'Carnivale' go? I like her. Why weren't they contacting the policeman again to see why he took off???
How did Hiro and his friend end up at the same car rental place at the end?? Since he left Hiro out in the desert somewhere.
I loved to see the politician fly, that was awesome. Was that a sonic boom?!?! I mean REALLY! But it was funny when he tried to land without shoes. Hahahaha :) That would hurt!
Anyway, I have more questions I'm sure. But I need to get some work done :) Any thoughts out there? Oh, but I do have to add, the cheerleader dad REALLY freaks me out. So sweet and caring to her face. WHAT ARE HIS PLANS FOR HER?? Cuz he's really really bad. I mean to the core bad. Save the cheerleader! Save the world!! :)