Saturday, April 15, 2006

Tom the Demented

So my husband and I gave in, and watched the Tom Cruise interview with Diane Sawyer. I know he's a freak, and I don't believe in anything he says. I think he's an actor, not even a favorite of mine, and that's about it. But he thinks his celebrity allows him to push his beliefs off on everyone else in a big way. So, whatever. I choose to ignore him. Everyone is entitled to what they believe.

I was blown away by this bit of the interview, however:
Diane: They say you’ve achieved a high level in Scientology, OT Seven?
Tom: It’s funny hearing that coming from your mouth.
Diane: You’ve not only achieved spiritually but advances over disease – tuberculosis, asthma, arthritis.
Tom: It is a byproduct of that. I used to have terrible sinus infections.

Seriously, he expects us to believe that he's impervious to certain health conditions now? Have these people 'audited' away all of their brain cells? I can't wait until he's 70 and suffering from arthritis. I would pay to have Brooke Shields walk up and kick him in his swollen arthritic joints!!

I don't know if this photo of Tom is legit, but I found it on Google and it make me Giggle :)