Saturday, April 08, 2006

My little Picasso

Monkey Boy decided to create a book for me. This is the second time I have tried to post this, and so I don't feel like waxing poetic about it anymore :) But, it's a beautiful book. He used my art paper, and so it is too big to fit into the scanner. He stapled it and titled it 'Snissus'.. for some reason he thinks that spells Semis. But, that's what makes it so great :) The white image, I loved the detail. The red image, this one cracked me up because he has this semi hauling a bunch of cases of bombs, a submarine AND a tank :) He is into playing war lately.. which I guess could be an explanation for all of the battle wounds :)

Oh, and I forgot to mention he spells submarine as 'sumrene' and bombs are 'bome'. HA :) Of course, as I'm typing this I just heard a large crash in the living room. Not a something fell crash, but a something china was destroyed crash. So I am going to sit here and count to like 1000 before I even exit my office. Mainly because I know for a fact Father Monkey is currently practicing baseball with Child Monkey in the living room. I asked Father Monkey, "Why not go outside?"... "We will.." he said. I am guessing that means AFTER they have broken my dragon tea set into 2009 pieces they will move outdoors. ... 1 .... 2 .... 3 .... 4.... deep breath ... 5 ....