Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Yes, we're still here. S'alright, van will be ready momentarily! They finished their work lastnight, but now the alignment is being checked or something. Anyway, I kept forgetting to post THIS. Click on that link to read about the Perseid shower this Sunday night/ Monday morning. We'll be watching in Colorado for sure!!!

Oh, and don't get me started on the fact that MrNV's Uncle decided to bring all of his drama over here today, and is crying on MrNV's shoulder about his horrible marriage. I guess he found out his wife is going to have all the util's shut off on the house... in order to get him to move out. The guy is nice and all, but I would have never married him to begin with. I have been with MrNV since 1986.. and his uncle has never had an actual job. And I figured their marriage just worked well that way, she had a good paying job and he took care of the house. He's not lazy, just.. um.. very.. disconnected from reality? If I were making really good dough, I wouldn't mind at ALL having my own house husband to boss around :) However, all of a sudden she's no longer happy with the arrangements. So, whatever. We've known for quite a while, which is why he has been doing work for us.. cuz he wanted his own cash. But now he's laying on the tears quite thick this morning and trying to hit MrNV up for some money. Who does that??!! He knows we're trying to leave town, and MrNV is now busy helping him research lawyers and such. Again, another notch in the 'why Monkey is an only child' column :)