Yesterday I took a break and found a website that carries a chestnut puree. This is BIG news for me. At Christmas I like to make what I call
vermicelli. No, it ain't pasta. It's this wonderful dessert which is made with a chestnut puree. But for the longest time I had no idea what was in it. I would sometimes have it while living in Switzerland, and you can't find it here. Even at
Andre's.. although they know what it is they only make it for special orders. AKA expensive. One year, for my birthday, my brother asked what I wanted. "I want you to make vermicelli!". Yes, he knows what it is. My father and brother are both executive chefs trained in Switzerland. You say vermicelli.. they know. So there I was, I think it was around my 24th or something. A beautiful display.. the meringue shell and everything. Proper color...but the texture looked dry. I was excited anyway... and I tasted. NOOOOOOOOOOO!! My dad and brother both laughed, because they thought they could fool me. Idiots. This was CLEARLY marzipan colored and mixed with whipping cream. So they think me an idiot? Of course, I asked, "I thought you were professionals?? I am ashamed that you don't even know what vermicelli is!!".. but they did. I just had to get the final word :)
So the year before last I roasted and toasted and wasted much time with chestnuts. I mixed and mashed and taste tested.. until I created what was the MOST impressive vermicelli ever! I took it to my mother's Christmas thang.. and it as a success! Not very pretty.. but I am not a chef. I only make things that taste good... I'm not so good with the show part.
Anyway, I am excited that I have found bottled chestnut puree. Yes. This is grand indeed. I can't find it locally. And I found canned vermicelli from a Canadian store, but don't want to pay shipping. So I'll receive it next week, it's coming from Ohio. And once I have created my beautiful desserts.. I will post photos. And you can all continue not to care :) But for me it is yet another thing crossed off of my list of things to do before I die. I need to start adding more stuff.. as I'm getting older this list is getting shorter. That can't be a good sign!