It's after 2am and I'm doing a late night-er trying to catch up on paperwork. I thought I'd watch 'Miss Potter' on demand. What a sweet movie. I never knew the history of Beatrix Potter. How tragic that her first love died. What a wonderful lady, though. Although I still just can't stomach that puffy faced actress in the movie.. Renee Zellweger. She's just always the same quirky squinting person in every movie.. isn't she??!
We also watched the season finale' of 'Big Love'. Not too bad at all. MrNV is a big fan of the show. He's trying to convince me that multiple wives is the way to go. I think sometimes he doesn't fully consider the consequences of what he says :) I like where one of the wives comments that their husband's dating life is not their business. BWAHAHHAA! That's just wrong on so many levels.
Ach well. Back to work. Anyone have any freakin' coffee??!