Saturday, September 30, 2006
How old??
Friday, September 29, 2006
Who is Barry Pepper??!!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Monkeys.. Dogs.. Bunnies.. 15 Year Olds and Open Heart Surgery :)
Today Monkey Boy had an epiphany;
"Pirates sleep like bunnies."
..insert perplexed look here...
"How so?"
"Because they both sleep with their eyes open!"
Which is true.. for the bunny at least. I don't know any pirates. He's such a strange kid :) Today I let Hasenfeffer hang around with Roscoe.. and Roscoe didn't eat him. It was cute. He did lick him.. a LOT. And if I hadn't been there, most likely he would have swallowed him whole. But, he lived.. and I think Hasen enjoyed all the grooming.

Saturday, September 23, 2006
It's what you DON'T know...

Again, to reinforce my fear of deep waters, it's not so much what I know is in the water that scares me... but the things that are lurking about that I DON'T know about. Seriously. Send me on a one way trip to Jupiter, but don't ever drop me in the ocean...
Click HERE!!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
I looove technology... but not as much as I love..

Today I discovered that if I type in a text message on my cell, but send it to my home phone, it will call my husband and read the message to him. BWAAHAHAHA. Nothing better than a computer telling you that YOU SUCK!! That is so cool! And then he can speak his reply into the phone, and it sends it back to me as text. Damn. Technology has come so far. I know, many people have been doing it for years I'm sure. But I'm old... and it takes me a while to catch on.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Perfect Halloween Accessory :)

These are my favorite things, and I think everyone needs them. If you're going out for a drink with friends, answering the door for kiddies... or just going to bed early. These are the GREATEST horns! They're adorable, and super light weight. And they're set onto a little barrette. So even men can wear them. They don't hang or pull on your hair at all.. and blend in perfectly. No big headband to battle with, or string around your head. Seriously. If you want to have horns... these are the horns to have :) People try to steal mine every year. My craptastic dog chewed one up last year, so I couldn't wear them.. but they are great.
I snagged the photo from their website :) They come in a few different colors. I have the red glitter. Used to have the black, but you don't really see them.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Godzilla Monkey Boy at the Air Show
We went to the air show yesterday. Ugh. Heat. Crowds. Heat. Parking. Heat. Waiting for the bus to take you back to your car, cuz you can't park at the airport. Did I mention the heat?? But, it was fun. The brain, Monkey Boy and I went, and we invited our neighbor (the one that does not insult my son and tell me what a shitastic parent I am) and her kids. Turns out, she is a super freak ga-ga groupie for flyboys. The things you learn :) She was hum-hawing until I told her the Stealth would be there. "Really?!?" Selling points, you really need to know what they are :) So we parked at a school like 900 miles away, and were carted off in busses. Which was great.. going. No lines... no parking either, but that doesn't stop us from curb hopping and parking in the grass. I don't need a Hummer when I have a mini-van :) Don't get me started on coming back though. Holy shyte.
Unfortunately we were a bit late, and arrived just in time to find out that due to winds all of the parachuting events were canceled. But that was fine, we baked in the sun and checked out what was on the runway for the kids to try to destroy. The boy LHOVVEESS helicopters. He now thinks we need to buy one and land it in the back yard. I think the home association might have rules about that, I'll have to read up :)
Time to enjoy some lemonade. And for Monkey to sit with girls :)
The B-2 Spirit (Stealth) did make an appearance, and fly by us a few times. That was pretty amazing to look at. And everyone gets so excited. Makes you feel all patriotic and goose-bumpy :)
The only bad thing, before we realized what happened, Godzilla Monkey Boy had plucked one of the Blue Angels from the sky. Man, were we in trouble :) Fortunately, he didn't eat it or stomp on it.
And of course, I had to take a photo of my friend with some hot pilots :) These are the pilots of the ACC West Coast A-10 Demo Team. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see them perform. But I'm sure they were great :) I think she was embarrassed, she turned all red. ..giggle..

This photo made me laugh when I downloaded it. I thought, "Wow, I really managed to zoom in on that one." Most of my photos turned out as a huge sun spot. Even with my sun filter on, and facing away from the sun. But then I realized, it was a photo of Monkey's toy airplane, he was holding it up for me to take a photo. It made me laugh.
Not awake yet, and thinking aloud. Just ignore it :)

There is a woman here locally, on our AM radio 980 KMBZ, and I often think about how much I wish she would transfer somewhere else. I enjoy listening if I'm doing something in the mornings around town, because it's all about local things going on. But she is just so angry, and yells about everything. If you let it get to you, you could really be sort of freaked out by the time she's done. And it can be small issues, or interviews. One morning she wanted to interview some local newspaper man, and he had agreed.. but once he found out it was Darla Jaye, he backed out. Pretty much at the last minute. Which I thought was funny... because she admitted that he backed out because it was her. But then she went on for over an hour talking about the guy, and his refusal to be on the show. No news, no important information, just whining. And one caller even tried to be nice to her, and called her 'sweetie' and she jumped at him, "DON'T call me SWEETIE". I mean, c'mon. I can't stand her. I really can't. She's very angry and abrasive. I don't think you have to yell to get your point across. It's not like she has a lot of AM competition around here, so she just needs to chill. But she won't. Her little commercials are even ridiculous. She has one with dogs barking in the background and it says, "Darla Jaye, meaner than a pit bull". Oh... haha. All of her commercials are about how mean or aggressive she is. When did I miss the memo that being a bitch was a virtue?? Oh, and the daily Spanish lessons.. she thought she was being funny. She would pick a phrase, and repeat it over and over making zero attempt to make it sound like Spanish.. saying it was the daily Spanish lesson. Because of her views on immigration. So many people were offended by that, she lost a lot of listeners. I would turn it off, too. She's very disrespectful of the culture. She was on vacation last week, so it was wonderful to hear someone new... I was able to listen to the radio again. She returns Thursday.. so I'll have to shut her off the radio again. ..sigh..
Friday, September 15, 2006
Really.... I do work :)
Just makes me think. These kids should have done their research, and told their story on Oprah :)
OK, in the last 5 minutes he decided to prove me wrong :) There were some free tickets to Orlando, and rooms at Ramada from cheaptickets.com. No free stuff from Disney.. they suck. And some clothes certificates, misc certificates for school stuff, $5K for bills.. and Montel is paying for the college education of 1 girl himself. So... OK.... it's all good :) Well, it's better anyway. But I still think Oprah coulda gotten them in at Disney for free! And a new van for the one girl to drive her 5 siblings around in... she had a beat-up old van.
Baby Napoleon :) Sweeeeeet!
I'm ready... I'm ready... I'm ready..
And where are my green dots? I don't see the green dots in the background? I do with my Mozilla, but not with IE? Damn them.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Lafave ....

In channel surfing this evening, we came across the Dateline NBC interview with Debra Lafave. The teacher that had an affair with her 14 year old student. We only watched a bit when it started, and came back to see that it was a full one hour interview. It's worthy of a whole hour?? But seriously, I can't believe she got such a lucky break. Such a double standard. They're showing her standing around her pool, and she's talking about her flower garden. If she had been a man, they would be calling him a pervert and telling him to burn in Hell. But, since she's a female, no? Her attorney said part of his defense was that she was beautiful, and by all standards, could have gotten real dates... and so that it proved she was not mentally stable. Bi-polar is an excuse for being a child molester? It just makes me sick. And she's almost acting as if she's a victim. And I know, men think the boy is a stud. But regardless of his mentality, she was an adult and should be in prison. If it had been a male teacher, and a 14 year old girl, he would have gone to prison.. no passing go and absolutely no $200 :)
Monday, September 11, 2006
I'm a mental midget.

Lastnight my husband came to bed late. When he got into bed, it woke me up.
"Ha, I was having a really strange dream."
"Really? What?"
"You and Monkey covered your eyes, and told me to hide a frisbee. But we only had a 12' x 12' plot of grass to hide it, I was trying to hide it under the tallest part of the grass.. but thinking to myself it was silly to hide a frisbee? It was really odd."
"Oh. I had a dream lastnight that I was trapped on a different plane of existence. A parallel plane of existence. And I couldn't find you or Monkey, or get back to you..."
"Shut up, ass, and go to sleep. Who fuckin' dreams like that?"
"Oh yea? Well you have dog dreams. You were chasing frisbees in the grass like the doggy!"
I hate him. Even my dreams are stupid and basic, and his are all nerd-like. Tonight.. he will be dreaming that someone is suffocating him with a pillow. HA!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Things I just can't do.

So I have an obsession. Paper things. Seriously. I have always loved stationery, even growing up, but never really write to anyone. And I enjoyed collage for a while, because I was able to buy beautiful hand-made papers and obsess over them. But now since this whole scrapbooking thing has gone into overdrive, I'm really just not safe to leave my home. I love all of the beautiful colorful patterns of the different papers you can buy. And all of the embellishments, and matching thing-a-me-bobs you can spend tons of cash on. And it's dangerous for me. Because while I love what scrapbookers do (see this lady's work) ... I just can't do it. Maybe it's a mental block. Maybe it's me just not having the time to spend on one page that they seem to have. Or maybe I'm just incredibly slow, and they have figured out some trick of the trade I don't know yet? I like to think I'm talented enough, but maybe I'm not. I have to accept it. But seriously I have 3 storage tubs FULL of fun and exciting scrapbooking supplies. And I love them. And I enjoy looking at them. But I don't want to use them, because I don't want to destroy anything! I am ashamed. :) Don't get me wrong, I have created some scrapbooks. I want my son to have family photos to go through when he grows up, that are dated and talk about what was going on. But nothing like these. I will now go and hang my head in shame.
**Disclaimer!! :) The image here isn't mine. Just one I liked, used for the story :) But thanks anyway, Sirdar! I'll take credit :) **
Friday, September 08, 2006
Is it possible to just loathe someone you don't even know? I can't stand this punk. He just makes me angry anytime I read anything about him. He's a complete tool. Singing about how he is a 'super star' and how much $$ he spends. All because of Britney, doesn't he know that? And can he even dance? I know he was a back-up dancer when they met, but I have never ever seen him do anything I would call a dance move. He has zero talent. He looks greasy and shifty. I just can't stand him. I wish wish wish I understood why Britney married him. I can't wait for the day she dumps him and finally spills the beans about how she had a brain tumor which was causing her to make all of these bad decisions.. and has since had it REMOVED!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
It's already Saturday???

I can't believe it's already Saturday. Where do the days go? Monkey, Mom, Step-Pa and I went to a place called L & V Outlet today. We went there a week or so ago, but didn't get too much time to browse. And Monkey was bummin' that he didn't get to go along. So, we went by again today. There was a really cute book we picked up last week, "How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight" by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague.. and I wanted to pick up a copy for his friend. But, I guess it was the only copy. Of course. It's such a darn cute book, I love the illustrations. We bought his friend a different one, about a cow living in the jungle. 'Reginald' by Jeff Newman. Cute. A lot of the books are just EVERYWHERE and you really have to search and hope to be lucky. Many of the books are perhaps overstock? From school book distributors. So there are also many CD sets. We picked up one today, and one of the games on it is to teach children how to type... it's with SpongeBob. It's really very funny. One of the games you have to type the words scrolling across the screen as fast as you can. You're racing Squidward in a car. Each time you make a mistake, things start to splatter across the windshield. When you're done, it tells you your WPM, my highest was 108. Monkey Boy rated a 2 :) They weren't sensible sentence, so you couldn't actually think ahead to type it. I'm just annoying enough that I love games like that. When I had a normal job, I used to remove all of the keys from my keyboard and put them back on alphabetically. It would keep people from sitting at my desk.. and it was excellent practice to remember where the keys were. Oh, the game also cheated! When we were doing sentences, I was always taught after a period there are TWO spaces before you start the next word? And it kept counting off for that, wanting only ONE space. It's a conspiracy!!!
Anyway, blah, it was a very nice day. Mumsie and Step came over for dinner, and we watched 'Failure to Launch'. I just don't like SJP, so I couldn't get into it. It was alright.
Friday, September 01, 2006

I'm finishing up some work at my desk, and watching '40 Year Old Virgin'. Such a funny movie. I love the line where his friend gets him to talk to the girl at the book store. And when they leave he thinks he should have asked for her number, or asked her out or something.
"No.. let the friendship grow like a plant. And then FUCK the plant!"
I don't know why, but that whole image just makes me laugh every time I hear him say it!
Ach well. If you're a deviant and you know it.. clap your hands...
On a less seedy note.. CONGRATULATIONS SBS!!!
Since the 2 winners of the Emmy's awards didn't contact me, and I tried to reach them, you win by DEFAULT!! Yes, DEFAULT!! Bwahhahahah!! Email me at naughtyvoyeur@hotmail.com when you get a chance, ho!
**UPDATE** AnnE did contact me! I didn't get her first email, but have it now. Thank you AnnE!! But go ahead and email me SBS, I'll still also send you a surPRIZE :)