My brain has been pretty random lately. These are some of the things I have had bouncing around;
I'm glad my brother is living with us. I at least feel like I can try to help him not slip into whatever depression that causes him to drink. I'm sad he doesn't have insurance yet, and that I can't afford to take him to a therapist. I wish I could get him the medications he needs in order to be stable.
My dog Tara is a shitheel. Adrian spent 2 nights with his girlfriend.. he's still in Lorraine's bootcamp :) And he made an amazing quiche, and left it outside my front door in a basket as a surprise yesterday morning. Bitch Tara ate it before I even knew it was there. And I mean a really AMAZING quiche with exotic cheeses and such. He always makes amazing things.. because he can. She's still in trouble.
I giggled at K-Mart while looking for an Easter basket for Monkey. He loves the cheezy ones with all the pre-packaged cheap toys. One of the ladies was trying to reach a basket on the top shelf and kept jumping to knock it down. Usually I help these wee people, but I didn't notice what was going on quickly enough. I was about 4 baskets down, rummaging through the same shelf.. reaching 2 baskets back. And it made me chuckle. I love being 5'9". Not that it is an amazing height. But I would be angry if I couldn't reach things.
I need to iron. Seriously. I just need to get it done.
My sister bought me the largest orchid I have ever seen, it's gorgeous. And I love it. But I know I'm going to kill it.. and I'm annoyed. I'll have to post a photo before I do! Usually I buy the small ones for $25 for my desk, and they last a while. But she bought this one at Sam's Club.. for $25!! And it's practically a tree!! Big beautiful buds! But she gave the bitch sister the peach colored one. Bitches :) But I love it.
My neighbor, GirlNextDoor, is awesome. And I'm so lucky to have her as a friend and neighbor. And my brother is lucky that she and her husband saved his life. I'm not sure what I will have to do in order to keep them from moving, but the ball will go into action once they decide to do it. I can't wait to horrify the people that come to view the house :) I'll probably need help with ideas if it comes down to it! I already have her kids trained to cry if she mentions selling the house. Her son said he'll never play outside again :) AHAHAH! Reminds me, I need to do some brush-up courses with them.
I had offered to let my father live in our spare room, and looked forward to it. Until a few weeks ago Monkey accidentally shot him in the eye with a nerf dart. And his WAY crazy hot temper and unstable anger kicked in. And it really freaked me out. Reminded me of why I used to be afraid of him, and I felt sort of sick. I'm so glad I'm an adult now, because I gave him an ass chewing last week over it. And he actually apologized to Monkey. It really upset Monkey and he was very clingy the rest of the day.. when he shot grandpa. I'm impressed that he sincerely apologized, but I'm still very insecure about him staying here. We're going to do a trial period.
The bunny's eye is doing great now. I don't know that he has complete vision in it, I can't quite tell if the pupil dilates normally or not. And I'm afraid to put him outside in the sun now, for fear it's hurting him somehow??
Speaking of sun, they're forecasting 2-4 inches of snow tonight? WTF?
I don't believe in global warming, and I'm afraid to talk about it for fear of being yelled at. I think it's the Rosie O'Donnell factor. People that believe in things so strongly, just yell at you and refuse to even hear your opinion. They frighten me. But if you study the history of the planet, and not just the history of your own lifetime...
My father-in-law bitched at me again yesterday for not attending church on Easter. Last Easter we went, and the entire time we were lectured about how you can't just attend church once a year and think you're being a good Christian. I think he promotes my defiance about going to church. He used to tell me, "Only real women go to church". I wanted to kick him in the head. I told my father he said that, and he told me to tell him to fuck off :) My dad is so wise :) AHAHA! I just don't know that people really listen to what they're hearing? An old friend of mine is very very into her church. But she is also very materialistic, and that makes me crazy. I don't talk to her often, but when I do she just wants to talk about our business and how much money we are/aren't making. She lies, yet claims she doesn't. Long story, she's just hateful and not Christian. Yet, when she worked for us, there were signs on her desk "WWJD" and all that. And I just don't understand it. My mother always told us you can be a good Christian and you don't have to attend church.. and I'm all about that. Or I'd like to find a tiny small little church somewhere. I think I'm afraid of the BIGNESS of it all. I guess. It really disturbs me and I'm conflicted over it. I think it's a personal thing, no?
My father is a racist. My father-in-law is a racist. My husband and I aren't. At all. And it really bothers me. My father, on Easter, was blabbing 'jew' this and 'jew' that. He was almost killed by Nazi's as a youth, yet feels he sides with them. It makes me ill when he jokes about it, like it's funny. Then he gets mad at me if I tell him to stop talking about it, because he's acting like an idiot. And I don't want Monkey to ever pick up on that sort of talk. But my father-in-law, he's worse. He feels he's superior to everyone... Italians, Jewish, Mexican.. whatever. And they're both closet racists. I hate it. My husband and I argue, a friend of his is Jewish. And he'll use the term 'Jew' when discussing him.. because he's very into his religion. Saturday's are odd, because he won't use anything to do with technology.. and such. It makes us giggle, but not in a bad way. I just know I couldn't survive! But I always think the term 'Jew' is disrespectful. I have to say someone is Jewish.. so we have long drawn out discussions on it :) I guess it's the way you say it. Like calling someone named Richard.. 'Dick'. I couldn't do that, either. I have worked for 2 men that went by 'Dick', and always had to call them Because what if you accidentally added sarcasm????
My office is chaos. Sometimes it's hard to know where to start. I watch those awesome shows like 'Mission Organization' and any sort of decorating show where they take chaos .. and turn it into beauty. And I know I just can't accomplish that. It's almost to the point that I'm just so put off by it, I just don't even want to start. And my husband! He won't get rid of things. Everyone thinks I'm the collector of stuff.. but HE is! However, now that he travels, things are vanishing. And he doesn't even notice! Or I just lie about it's location.. and he forgets. BWAHAHAHHA! Shhhhh!!
I can't ever remember to pay my home association dues. It's just impossible. I'm adding it to my planner RIGHT NOW!!
AnniE is AwesomE! Really :)
I like slivered almonds, but not whole almonds. Why? I like dry roasted peanuts, but not the other kind. They're like mushy vs not mushy. I love cashews. Not macadamia nuts or pecans. And I love cheese. Cheese of all kinds. I currently have about 6 exotic cheeses in my fridge. I'm going to invite GirlNextDoor down for some Brie. She doesn't think she's had it, and was confused by the whole 'mold' thing. YES, you eat it! It's a cultured mold, not growing in your fridge and nasty mold :)
I have a giant pair of bright pink, orange and yellow foam platform sandals. I purchased them at Payless, and wear them around the house. I'm guessing they make me 6' :) I love wearing them! But won't wear them in public, they're too freaky. I'll post a photo :) I need mental help.
Beta still isn't talking to me. Because I'm an opinionated hag. I'm surprised I have any friends at all :) But can't I express how I feel about things sometimes? Why can't someone just respond with their version of what's going on.. not just get defensive and give up? Doesn't that sort of make you right if the other person doesn't defend themselves? What is that expression... silence means you agree or something?
I think the character Kirby, written about by
RockDog, is sort of a weenie. AHAHAHHA! I heard that song 'Angel in the Centerfold' today and thought of Kirby. Too much of a weenie to do anything other than admire her photo :) AHAHAH!
Rosie O'Donnell is obnoxious. I used to love her when she had her own show. She did so many great things for people in need. And she seemed, at the time, to have a sense of humor and a caring nature. But now she's just angry and pissed off all the time. And unless you agree with her 100%, she just screams and yells at you. And I hate people like that. She acts so above everyone else, yet spews the same things she degrades others for. Like last December when she mocked people in China, "Ching-chong ching-chong".. and why wasn't she fired?? I just don't like her. She's angry.
My brother met Martina McBride yesterday, she had lunch at his restaurant. And she gave him tickets to her show lastnight. He went with his girlfriend, and they had an awesome time. Reminds me of the time he met Sheila-E when she toured with Prince. She offered him tickets to the show, and he asked if he could get 2 tickets to the Kansas City show instead. And gave them to me. And they cancelled the show..... :(
My new couch arrived last week, and I'm much happier now. Since the other one was under warranty, it was cleaned. But it just made me angry, and I didn't want to go into my living room. So when the furniture guys brought the new one, they put the old one out front. I giggled at the people that slowed down as they passed. I was waiting for someone to steal it :) But it found a good home.. for now :) Unless they decide they hate it too.. which I would completely understand. But I really did confuse the furniture guys when they arrived. haha! And I know, I need a new roof. Getting one when it gets warmer!!
I need to post photos from Easter and our Vacation. I'll probably just put them into Flickr if anyone wants to check them out. Maybe this weekend.
Well, I'm done with my random thoughts. It's nice to get them all out, maybe now I can focus. If I get my idiot-ness out things just function better :) Now to put on my ugly foamy platform sandals and get some work done! AHAHAH!