Thursday, February 02, 2006

In memory of Old Blue

Last year, after my son graduated. (Ok, from Kindergarten! FINE!) We drove to BFE to pick up the pound puppy he picked out online. It was going to be a way groovy fun day trip for us. No, don't tell Daddy, he'll try to talk us out of it. Shhhhhh. It turned into a day trip with my friend and her daughter.. a year older than my son.. working on an arranged marriage there :) So, anyway, after picking up said Devil Dog (we now know he's a Devil Dog).. we were cruising along the highway doing 70ish and I spotted a baby bird on the center line. I knew he wasn't dead, he was sitting up. My momma raised me to save little beasties on the road.. so we did a U-Turn and hauled back to the spot before one of those 18-whuulers flattened him.

To make the yarn short, after dodging LOTS of traffic. Well, OK, 2 semi's coming WAY far away and my friend yelling, "Get back into the car you f'ing idiot!!" or something like that... we rescued 'Old Blue'. He was so darn cute! We sat for a bit, waiting to see if momma Blue was about.. but there weren't any trees or anything. I'm thinking he fell into the bed of a farm truck, and unfortunately blew out on the highway. Man, that sucks.

So, we tried to turn him in to a sanctuary, but they were all closed. And as it was a holiday weekend, nobody would be in until Tuesday. Unfortunately, even though he ate and drank and made little chirpy noises.. he didn't make it. I've only ever managed to save 1 baby bird in my life, and it's so heartbreaking. ..sigh..

This is my little 'Old Blue' memorial. I hope you're flying around up there in the Heavens little buddy.