Tonight I decided to have one of those small side Caesar salads from Wendy's. However, I couldn't finish it because this vicious beast came up and ET it!! So I'm stuck with yogurt. Which is really strange, because I have been craving yogurt like crazy lately. Seriously, daily. And the last time I craved that stuff is when I was pregnant with Monkey.. I couldn't get enough blueberry yogurt and grape soda. CRAZY for it!! But no, not pregnant. So, it's just odd. Maybe I'm just old and crazy.
That new lawyer on Boston Legal, the brunette guy that argues all the time with the blonde guy? What other movies has he been in? He looks familiar, I liked him in something.. or thought he was cute maybe, and so his face looks familiar. I just love this show. Boston Legal and HEROES, the only 2 shows I can ever remember to watch.
Ach well. My point this evening, beware of vicious lettuce stealin' bunnies!! They're outta control!