Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Holly Jolly Christmas

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We've been in crazy mode since returning from Vegas, I can't wait to post some photos. We had a great time. Today was a WONDERFUL Christmas! It's always great when family and friends get together. Of course, it is also an excuse for us to spoil the Monkey rotten. We are, indeed, bad parents.

He was very excited, this year was Nerf Dart Tag kinda year! A while back they had a sale if you purchase one of the larger kits, you would get a free gun. So Grumpa purchased the set, and got a free gun... we purchased the machine gun (it rocks!!) and got a free gun.. now he's armed and dangerous :) One of his friends came over this evening, and they had a great time testing them out.

A Monkey overwhelmed by gifts.

My brother and his woman dressed as Mr and Mrs Ho Ho, and this is also my bearded mother. We've tried everything, but can't get it to stop growing.

And his bearded Grumpa. Facial hair runs rampant in the family.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!!