Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Men, I tell you.

Don't get me wrong, I love my husband.. he's pretty cool. However, sometimes he does things which just make me wonder why I keep him around :) Of course, I'm perfect.. so he never ever has these concerns. So, I've been working since I got up today. We work from home, so it's easy sometimes to crawl out of bed.. crawl into the office and get involved in things that need to be done. Then, you tell yourself, "I'll eat when I'm done".. then 2:00 is near. FASTER FASTER!! So I'm sitting here at my desk working away on something my husband needs for a project.. and he walks in with a huge salad. Huh?? Isn't it just as easy to make TWO as it is to make ONE?? Fucker?
So I ask him, "Where is mine?" as he sits down at his desk to eat.
"Huh? Were you hungry?"
"No, assclown, I'm trying to wein myself off all foods of any kind."
"Oh, do you want mine?"
"Fuck no, that's not the point. You should have thought of me while you were thinking of YOURSELF!"
"I'll make you one now."
"Too LATE!! You're already an asshole!"
Of course, I'm not seriously mad.. just trying to make a point. I would never make food for myself only. Why can't he live by the same standards??

So, being the wonderful child he is.. Monkey tried to save the day :) Dang it, how can I stay mad when he's so freakin' cute? He scampered off to the kitchen, and re-appeared with this plate. He made me a PB&J and gave me some cheese slices, a few peanut butter crackers, cookies and even made me a tea! OK, he made it wrong, but I'm going to drink it anyway. I just love that little Monkey Boy :) I don't know who he learned all that SWEET and CONSIDERATE behavior from.. cuz it wasn't Dad!! BWAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!